1. Content 

  • Content must have proper title matching booking.

FORMAT we accept

  • DCP: specs below. We do not provide tech support. Your drive must plug n’ play. 

  • BLU-RAY: Only for single screenings. Format to play on standard Blu-ray player. Laemmle will not be held responsible for a disc that does not play even if the disc was inspected and tested on site. 

  • Projectors are 2K; they will support 4K but play at 2K


Laemmle is NOT responsible for late delivery resulting in cancellation of screening. 

  • PHYSICAL DRIVE/DISC: Send directly to the theatre address for delivery after 1PM. Content MUST be delivered at least 3 days prior to screening date.

  • We do NOT download DCPs or stream any content. You must deliver your DCP on a physical hard drive. Contact DCP4all (below) for local delivery options or DCP creation assistance. 

DCP specs   

  • FPS: 24 frames per second ONLY. 

  • RATIO: FLAT (1998 x 1080 pixels) or SCOPE (2048 x 858 pixels)  

  • NAMING: CPL's properly identified as feature, short, or trailer, CPL's properly named according to the standards set forth by the ISDCF. No zip files.

  • DRIVE: Must be on a CRU or USB drive formatted EXT2/3 or NTFS. If the drive requires external power, a standard US plug must be provided.

  • Provider of DCP is responsible for DCP playing back correctly on our systems. 

  • We recommend the DCP is created by a professional that will provide quality control testing.  

DCP creation and local hard drive delivery services:

DCP4All - dcpforall.com - (323) 546-2271

Simple DCP - [email protected] - (213) 375-8327

KDM creation:  

If you are creating KDMs for your title, server serial numbers can be sent upon request. Often KDM creators are able to just use the serial numbers to create the keys.

If you want certs you must get them from GDC. E-mail directly to  [email protected] .  

QC testing:

- Theatre tests all content for sound, picture, subtitles (if applicable) - playability

- A one-time, in-person, 5-10 minute test of content can be arranged. 

- Any additional testing or full run- throughs require further booking and fees.